Dealing With Your Contracts When Moving House

dealing with contracts when moving house   At WhatStorage, we find that a huge range of people use our service to find removals and storage solutions for all kinds of reasons. One of the most common, however, is when people are moving into a new home. Removal services can make moving house so much simpler and less stressful. A storage unit can also help to make your move easier so that you can take your time moving your belongings to your new home, or store unwanted items (such as your landlord’s furniture) when you move into your property. As happy as we are to help you with your move, and be part of this new chapter in your life, however, your contract with us is just the tip of the iceberg. Here are some contracts that you’ll need to deal with when moving house to ensure that you save money and avoid unnecessary costs in your new home.

Taking care of your energy plan

Our friends at Switch-Plan could tell you a thing or two about the importance of taking care of your energy plan when moving to a new home. As soon as you move into your new home, you’re placed on what’s called a “deemed contract” with whatever supplier provides electricity and gas to your property. This usually means that you’re bumped to their least competitive variable rate tariff. The longer you spend on this rate, the more you could be wasting on your energy costs. So make sure you switch as soon after moving as possible. Don’t be part of the reason why UK energy consumers are paying roughly £800 million more than they should for their energy.

Know your tenancy agreement

If you’re renting your new home, knowing your tenancy agreement can save you from losing some (or all) of your deposit in the future. Make sure that you take note of every item on the inventory, and ensure that any damage is reported as soon as possible. If there are any prohibitions regarding pets, hanging pictures on the walls or even changing your energy supplier / meter that you find unreasonable, your best bet is to consult the landlord directly rather than risk violating the terms of your tenancy.

Get in touch with your local council

It’s a good idea to notify your local council that you have moved into your as soon as possible. This is important for two reasons. Firstly, it will ensure that you are registered to vote at your home address for local and general elections. It also ensures that you will be billed accurately for your council tax.

Register with local healthcare services

We’re all feeling a little extra health-conscious in these difficult times. Which is why you should register with your local healthcare services like your GP and dentist as soon as possible after moving. Moving house can be stressful and expensive. But if you’re proactive in dealing with your contracts it can be much easier as well as being financially rewarding.